Geography Insights: US - LANSING

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

93Home Players
236All Players
454Winner WPPRs
1,688Total WPPRs
102Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
13%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
14%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
5%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - LANSING home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - LANSING:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - LANSING:
59790The Stolen Hour 2023-03 Traveler 32.83 43
54737Stewie's Saturday Strikes v2.0 2022-12 Traveler 30.09 49
65720Sterling & Stewie's Super Strike 2023-09 Traveler 28.34 41
59922Stern Army – Lansing Pinball L 2023-07 Local Supporter 27.91 28
53677Stern Army – Lansing Pinball L 2023-02 Mixed Persona 25.60 21
59699Stewie's Saturday... Group Match 2023-05 Traveler 25.24 33
65386Stern Army – Lansing Pinball L 2023-12 Local Supporter 21.68 23
62293Sterlings Memorial Day Tournamen 2023-05 Traveler 20.48 28
64338Sterlings birthday tournament 2023-07 Traveler 18.16 30
54314Sterlings Fall Silver Ball Tourn 2022-10 Traveler 17.19 35
55899Stern Army – Silver Balls in t 2022-12 Traveler 15.96 35
44600Stern Army – Lansing Pinball L 2022-03 Traveler 14.30 24
56292Sterling's New Year New Points 2023-01 Traveler 11.97 27
57510James Bond 007 Launch Party 2023-01 Traveler 10.66 20
50676Sterling's Memorial day tourname 2022-05 Traveler 10.37 27
38933Stern Army - Lansing Pinball Lea 2021-09 Traveler 9.46 17
48719Stern Army – Lansing Pinball L 2022-09 Traveler 9.12 15
52312STERLING'S 11th Birthday Tournam 2022-07 Traveler 8.34 22
59578Stern Army – March Hare Madnes 2023-03 Mixed Persona 7.38 18
47995TILTED BARCADE - Stern Army - Ru 2022-02 Traveler 6.70 18
49152Tilted - Jackson - Stern Army - 2022-04 Traveler 6.44 15
48340Stern Army – March Hare Madnes 2022-03 Traveler 5.30 15
46108Stern Army – Silver Balls in t 2021-12 Traveler 4.99 16
45716Stern Army - Godzilla Launch Par 2021-12 Traveler 4.57 22
61758Stern Army – Foo Fighters Laun 2023-05 Traveler 4.46 14
67480Stern Army – Fear and Tremblin 2023-10 Mixed Persona 4.37 17
64228Rocket Robin 2023-07 Traveler 4.12 18
44780Stern Army – Fear and Tremblin 2021-11 Traveler 4.06 16
51435Stern Army – Rocket Robin 2022-07 Traveler 3.37 12
61757Lansing Lightning Flippers – F 2023-05 Mixed Persona 3.06 9
49597Stern Army – Mandalorian Launc 2022-05 Traveler 3.06 9
62231Tilted Arcade - Foo Fighters Par 2023-05 Traveler 2.92 7
53740Stern Army – Fear and Tremblin 2022-10 Traveler 2.82 9
57092Stern Army – James Bond Launch 2023-01 Traveler 2.70 17
45500Stern Army – Godzilla Launch P 2021-11 Traveler 2.18 12
66230Lansing Lightning Flippers 2023-09 Local Supporter 1.98 8
60238Lansing Lightning Flippers 2023-03 One-Timer 1.97 8
44830Stern Army - Tilted - Jackon - G 2021-11 Traveler 1.81 8
59031Lansing Lightning Flippers 2023-02 Traveler 1.67 7
53664Lansing Lightning Flippers 2022-10 Traveler 1.57 7
61124Lansing Lightning Flippers 2023-04 Traveler 1.54 6
63397Lansing Lightning Flippers 2023-06 Traveler 1.53 6
53665Lansing Lightning Flippers 2022-11 Traveler 1.47 6
49993Lansing Lightning Flippers 2022-05 Traveler 1.24 6
57691Lansing Lightning Flippers 2023-01 Traveler 1.14 7
53666Lansing Lightning Flippers 2022-11 Traveler 1.09 5
50912Lansing Lightning Flippers 2022-06 Traveler 1.07 5
53146Lansing Lightning Flippers 2022-09 Traveler 1.03 5
65384Stern Army – Tuesday Night Sma 2023-10 Traveler 0.99 15
65383Stern Army – Tuesday Night Sma 2023-09 Traveler 0.96 14

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - LANSING:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
43171Sterling Mitoska 136 WPPRtunist 172.35 16
26795Mike Stewart Jr 889 WPPRtunist 103.52 33
29905Danny Clark MI 2110 WPPRtunist 98.63 30
37311Brian Keillor 830 WPPRtunist 75.97 31
58840Derik Schimberg 1119 WPPRtunist 63.32 22
68746Josh Bauer 794 WPPRtunist 56.54 31
23922Heather Kendrick 4448 Traveler 52.54 72
53927Tim Treichel 3347 Local Supporter 51.17 49
22121Allen Robertson 882 WPPRtunist 46.10 33
50281Jason Humphrey 482 WPPRtunist 43.43 9
75560Chris Eagle 781 WPPRtunist 41.59 8
255Jason Magnuson 3007 Traveler 35.33 37
23917Joseph Nebus 3613 Traveler 31.89 66
84979Nate Timperley 1061 WPPRtunist 31.34 20
5773Andrew Rosa II 113 WPPRtunist 30.09 1
33699tyrus eagle 248 WPPRtunist 29.88 5
66396Ryan Jurado 1882 WPPRtunist 29.39 3
16912Bill Lembesis 922 WPPRtunist 24.84 8
10654Jared August 13 WPPRtunist 21.95 1
37314Philip Salminen 574 WPPRtunist 21.93 6
34293Thomas Beavers 4755 Traveler 21.89 14
70125Pat Svec 6150 Local Supporter 21.68 18
55246Sean Burke 407 WPPRtunist 19.73 5
64937Brent Edwards 1698 WPPRtunist 18.35 2
66372Rick Knopik 300 WPPRtunist 16.87 1
51484Tim Carpenter MI 2724 Traveler 16.57 5
85790Dominic Labella 249 WPPRtunist 15.98 3
86896Jeff Catenacci 1007 WPPRtunist 15.83 9
49906Matt Currie 544 WPPRtunist 15.39 2
43886Michael Courtney 2740 Traveler 14.52 5
10308Chris Tabaka 589 WPPRtunist 14.11 2
55245Bill Woodcock 2585 Traveler 14.07 8
5619Marco Vendetti 1636 WPPRtunist 13.22 2
83582Austin Butcher 2939 Traveler 12.87 2
24604Jerry Lucas 2103 WPPRtunist 12.33 7
82662Patrick Mendis 1841 WPPRtunist 11.29 4
84114Bill Mann 2900 Traveler 11.13 2
93884daniel walczak 2513 Traveler 10.54 7
99497Scott Paul OH 3941 Traveler 10.44 1
70122Donny Dingwell 5815 Traveler 10.22 38
10342Chris Leach 7462 Traveler 10.13 9
3717Jeff Gordon 2952 Traveler 10.10 2
83581Becca Butcher 7744 Traveler 10.10 2
16913Dan Nelson 9471 Local Supporter 9.81 29
31735Steve Eidt 1945 WPPRtunist 9.67 3
43125Bryan Johnson 8612 Traveler 9.25 59
11834Puff Danny 3536 Traveler 8.86 9
50337Scott Styles 1884 WPPRtunist 7.60 4
59658Thomas Ruszkiewicz Jr 2017 WPPRtunist 7.37 3
90309Glenn Goehmann 4668 Traveler 7.12 6


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-03-29
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-02-25

Notes and Acknowledgements